There is anyone training to bind to 328 to do program multitasking in line?
Meaning esp32 style programing what I do less...
Maybe any proyect of reading multiple sensors and passing inline to another core for furrier analisis...
Less in that a core more powerfull can do and powering a dc line by mosfets to transimt a signal without interruptions...
Or without coding magisk managing to do a rasp job like a multiple subsets of data stored to be: sd card, web uploading??, and screen presentation of it. But with the add on of reading data from the sd or web server and show a pronostic algorithm or timeline info... in this also some really need of another core reaally needed not based on program space or variables: no eeprom!
A state machine with learning posibilities?
You need an operating system to do this.
Here is a link to four of them.
Not sure I understand exactly what you are saying
Can you confirm you are asking to do on a single core architecture with 2 KB of SRAM / 32KB of flash and running at 16MHz the APIs and capabilities or what is done on a dual core , 160 or 240 MHz, 320 KB of RAM, and hundreds of LB / megs of flash storage ?
If you have such needs you would be better off choosing a more capable board like an ESP32 or advanced ARM boards and stick to state machines programming technics on very small MCUs
There is an 8 core microcontroller that can do really parallel-processing
best regards Stefan
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