Munal ADC asignment

Hello, I ran into an issue to read sensors on separate pins via AdvancedADC with two cores and greatly appreciate anyone's help.

In my Portenta H7 porject, two sensors are connected to pin A0 and A5 respectively and are read via the AdvacendADC, which work well if ran only by the main core M7, like the following.

// one_core.ino
#include <Arduino_AdvancedAnalog.h>
AdvancedADC adc_a(A0);
AdvancedADC adc_b(A5);

void setup() {}
void loop() {}

According to the AdvancedAnalog documentation, adc_a is mapped to ADC1 and adc_b is mapped to ADC2. However, the project required A0 to be read by M7 core and A5 read by the M4 core. The code splits into two arduino files. This seem to create a conflict since the two files are independent and both try to map to ADC1. The connection on the board couldn't be changed.

// dual_core_m7.ino
#include <Arduino_AdvancedAnalog.h>
AdvancedADC adc_a(A0);

void setup() {}
void loop() {}
#include <Arduino_AdvancedAnalog.h>
AdvancedADC adc_b(A5);

void setup() {}
void loop() {}

Is there a way to manually assign A0 to ADC1 in m7.ino and A5 to ADC5 in m4.ino so there is no conflict?