Hi there,
For a part in my personal project I have 8 push buttons connected to a MUX (4051). Then I have 8 bi color leds (red/yellow) connected to 2 shift registers (HC595)
The program is fairly simple when I push button 1, led 1 (red) turns on. When I push the button a second time led 1 (yellow) turn on and led 1 red turns off. When I push a third time led 1 (yellow) turns off. This is the same for all the other buttons.
Therefore I wrote a piece of code for the Arduino which does what it needs to do. I got this from reading other tutorials and mainly things I knew from my limited knowledge. My code is probably not the "correct way" to do this. I was wondering if there is a better (faster/shorter) way to do this. I came a cross things like bitwise operators, bit masks etc... and was wondering If my code needs an update with that. Please keep in mind that in a later stage data needs to be written and read from the EEPROM. Maybe this can be useful to know... or not.
here is my code:
sketch_jan31c_orig.ino (3.0 KB)
#include <Bounce.h>
/* Shift register IC2
* QA - L9_R
* QB - L10_R
* QC - L11_R
* QD - L12_R
* QE - L13_R
* QF - L14_R
* QG - L15_R
* QH - L16_R
* Shift register IC3
* QA - L9_Y
* QB - L10_Y
* QC - L11_Y
* QD - L12_Y
* QE - L13_Y
* QF - L14_Y
* QG - L15_Y
* QH - L16_Y
//Toggle switches
#define SW1_A_pin 24 //Direction forward
#define SW1_B_pin 23 //Direction backward
#define SW2_A_pin 26 //Bank 1 select
#define SW2_B_pin 25 //Bank 2 select
#define SW3_A_pin 28 //Play
#define SW3_B_pin 27 //Pause
//MUX pins
#define MUX_data_pin 18
#define MUX_A_pin 17
#define MUX_B_pin 16
#define MUX_C_pin 15
//Push buttons
Bounce button[] = {
Bounce( MUX_data_pin,10),
Bounce( MUX_data_pin,10),
Bounce( MUX_data_pin,10),
Bounce( MUX_data_pin,10),
Bounce( MUX_data_pin,10),
Bounce( MUX_data_pin,10),
Bounce( MUX_data_pin,10),
Bounce( MUX_data_pin,10)
int button_counter[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
//Shift registers
#define SR_latch_pin 13
#define SR_clock_pin 12
#define SR_data_pin 14
byte SR_data[4];
void setup() {
pinMode(MUX_data_pin, INPUT);
pinMode(SW1_A_pin, INPUT);
pinMode(SW1_B_pin, INPUT);
pinMode(SW2_A_pin, INPUT);
pinMode(SW2_B_pin, INPUT);
pinMode(SW3_A_pin, INPUT);
pinMode(SW3_B_pin, INPUT);
pinMode(MUX_A_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(MUX_B_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(MUX_C_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(SR_latch_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(SR_clock_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(SR_data_pin, OUTPUT);
SR_data[0] = 0x00;
SR_data[1] = 0x00;
SR_data[2] = 0x00;
SR_data[3] = 0x00;
SR_data[4] = 0x00;
void loop() {
//process push buttons
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { //loop 8 times for 8 PB
//select MUX pin
int pin_A_value = bitRead(i,0);
int pin_B_value = bitRead(i,1);
int pin_C_value = bitRead(i,2);
digitalWrite(MUX_A_pin, pin_A_value);
digitalWrite(MUX_B_pin, pin_B_value);
digitalWrite(MUX_C_pin, pin_C_value);
//allow 50 us for signals to stablize
//read push buttons
if (button[i].fallingEdge()) {
if (button_counter[i] > 2){
button_counter[i] = 0;
if (button_counter[i] == 0){
bitClear (SR_data[0],i);
bitClear (SR_data[1],i);
if (button_counter[i] == 1){
bitClear (SR_data[1],i);
bitSet (SR_data[0],i);
if (button_counter[i] == 2){
bitClear (SR_data[0],i);
bitSet (SR_data[1],i);
Serial.print("Button : ");
Serial.print(" pressed - Button position: ");
Serial.print("shift register 0 data: ");
Serial.print(SR_data[0], BIN);
Serial.print(" Shift register 1 data: ");
Serial.println(SR_data[1], BIN);
digitalWrite(SR_latch_pin, LOW);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
shiftOut(SR_data_pin, SR_clock_pin, MSBFIRST, SR_data[i]);
digitalWrite(SR_latch_pin, HIGH);
Anyway thanks in advance!