Hi Everyone,
I'm new with this Arduino thing, and I'm having a hard time inputting anything from a known good MX2125 ACC. I can get the ACC to output to a BS2 Basic stamp where I can print the values to the screen with no trouble. However, when I use the Arduino, all I can get out of it are nonsensical 1's and 0's to show in no particular order and certainly do not change with tilt of any kind. Also, depending on what I try I may get some larger numbers that appear to look valid but do not change when the ACC is tilted, and seem to update only every few minutes or so, in spite of delay being set only to 100ms.
A little more information:
I've wired it exactly as is suggedted in the Arduino MX2125 tutorial, and I've also used that code. I've tried using Serial.println to display the values, but I get nothing no matter what I do... I've hooked the outputs to the digital pins because I know this is what is suggested, but I get nothing. I've also tried hooking up the temperature out to an analog in with no luck. It seems clear to me that I am doing something incorrectly, but I have no idea what.
I've also tried pulseIn in addition to digitalRead with no luck. Any suggestions?
Does anyone have any simple code that will match the MX2125 for me to try for diagnostic purposes.