My arduino is not showing in the device manager

hi guys i am new to arduino and my issue is that i have a clone uno and made a project for lifting up of bridge when water is detechted and it worked but later just to set the servo motors to 0 position i changed the code and while uploading it i got this error

Port monitor error: command 'open' failed: Serial port not found. Could not connect to COM3 serial port

later my board is blinking with red led that indicates pwr and it is not even visible in the device manager and also the port option is disabled

here is the code and the screen shot can you guys please help me

#include <Servo.h>  //Importing Servo Library To Controll The Servo Motors

#define soilMoistureSensorPin A0  // Analog Pin For Soil Moisture Sensor
#define servoPin1 9                // Digital Pin For Servo 1
#define servoPin2 10               // Digital Pin For Servo 2

// Define servo positions (in degrees)
const int BridgeLoweredPosition = 0;   // Angle Of Servo Head When Bridge Is Lowered 
const int BridgeRaisedPosition = 90; // Angle Of Servo Head When Bridge Is Lifted 

Servo servo1; //Define Servo1
Servo servo2; //Define Servo2

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600); //Initialising Serial Monitor
  servo1.attach(servoPin1); //Defined Pin PORT
  servo2.attach(servoPin2); //Defined Pin PORT
  Serial.println("bridgeactive"); // Printing To Serial Monitor

void loop() {
  int sensorValue = analogRead(soilMoistureSensorPin); // Reading Value From The Sensor
  int moisturePercent = map(sensorValue, 1023, 0, 0, 100);  // Map the sensor value to a more readable range (0-100)
  Serial.print("Moisture: ");         // Printing The Value to Serial Monitor
  Serial.println(moisturePercent);    // Printing The Value to Serial Monitor
  if (moisturePercent == 0 ){         //When Water Is NOT Detected 
    servo1.write(BridgeLoweredPosition);  // Set servo position
    servo2.write(BridgeLoweredPosition);  // Set servo position
  else if (moisturePercent > 0){      //When Water Is Detected 
    servo1.write(BridgeRaisedPosition);  // Set servo position
    servo2.write(BridgeRaisedPosition);  // Set servo position

  delay(2000);  //To Stop From Repeatedly Checking

tried updateing driver like cp2102 and ch340 but still the same

Click Serial Monitor OFF


sorry i did not get it

That error msg is referring to the serial monitor, that's the page where your Serialprintln("Hello"); goes, look at the bottom and see com port 3 is assigned to the board BUT not connected. Most likely a windows error. Try killing the IDE ALL copies and ALL monitor copies. If that doesn't fix it then it's a win dev mgr issue which is why I switched to Apple.

You should be able to see the chip number on the top of the driver chip.

Open device manager and plug in your uno board, what happens in device manager?

The blinking could indicate a power issue. Disconnect everything from the board and try to upload. Which servos are you using and how are they powered; a wiring diagram / schematic diagram would be useful.

Thank YOU guys for helping me out
I got the fix
so in my clone Arduino board there are additional 5v pins other than the standard one snice i don't have multimeter i used an jumper wire and touched all the leads when i placed it to some male pi present near the usb port my servo's started to heat up so i disconnected the wire form the 5v port and the board was ok so then i pulled the 5v from the standard port and connected to beard board and completed my project so later when i connected the board with dc jack it was not taking power so i think that my testing might have ruined the 12v dc jack

anyways thank you for all your help guys
i also tried the suggestions provided early in the question but i was busy testing the board so that's way i did not responded to the solutions

thanks for helping me out all of u it was a great way to find the issues i had faced thank you a lot :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

I see smoke on the horizon rather than a fix.

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