My Arduino micro board has a weird feature for its kind-[SOLVED]

If you run your sketch (e.g. blink) device manager will say Micro on COMx in the ports section of the device manager; if your board is in bootloader mode it should say something like Micro (bootloader) on COMy or Leonardo (bootloader) on COMy in the ports section of the device manager.

I've never read about a board in bootloader mode that identifies itself as a serial device in the ports section of the device manager; it does not mean that it's not possible but I consider it strange.

it does say COM19 during it's reset sequence.

Just that? Maybe a screenshot of the ports section while it is in bootloader mode will help.

I had to dig a bit through my older posts to find something that is kind-of relevant. Below is for a Pro Micro but the principles are the same

Running your sketch


that makes sense, mine are not labeled like that, but that's kind of what I see.