My Arduino pro mini 3.3v/8Mhz is not working with Multiwii software

Hello, I am working on a Quadcopter using Arduino Pro Mini 3.3v/8Mhz and I am using the code modified by an YouTube named ElectroNoob
Code Available Here

but when I connect the Arduino with Multiwii GUI after uploading this code then it doesn't run but using the 5v/16Mhz variant the GUI starts to run.

this is the screenshot while using 3.3v variant

and this while using 5v variant

I am using FT232RL USB TO TTL 3.3V/5V FTDI Serial adapter module to connect arduino pro mini with my pc

Please read this topic, especially the part telling how to post code, drawings etc.: How to get the best out of this forum - Using Arduino / Project Guidance - Arduino Forum

Do you select the right (8/16 MHz) version prior to compilation?

Actually there are many files composing this single project.....but I can't paste that all code here otherwise it will cross the provided limit that's why I linked the website of the code....

Yes I did but still in multiwii GUI it's not showing up.....I can't tune the PID if nothing shows up in GUI :sob:

and that limit is and Your code needs?

Being cookied is not accepted. Good luck.

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