So I was working on a 12 V project and.
I shorted a pin on the icsp connector. And now my Arduino won't accept a sketch from my computer. I get an error that says upload failed. Can anyone help me figure out what a problem is?
The weird thing is that the IDE can tell. That There is a arduino uno on bus 7 But the USB sereal interface wont-work aka no serial.
Also the on Light turns on immediately when powered up And also the L light. And when I try to upload a sketch the rx Light blinks, a couple of times.
If you touched the icsp header with 12 volt you may need to replace the Atmega328 in your UNO.
If you can lay your hands on another UNO you could swap the Atmega328 and see if your board works again. If so you need to buy a new Atmaga328 and burn the bootloader on it (via ICSP) to get a working UNO again.