My ardunio has an error after entering the wrong servo cable

my ardunio has an error after entering the wrong servo cable to 5v and gnd
-and the SB device not recognized

If you disconnect the servo altogether from the UNO, can you upload code? It it found at the COM port of your computer?

I didn't enter the code into my Arduino because the USB is not recognized and the port is not read by my computer after I inserted the wrong servo cable into the Arduino

What is the wrong cable? A better description is probably needed to determine exactly what happened. Post a photo of a drawing with the incorrect connections and voltages involved.

I suspect that we are going to be invited for a funeral.

Most likely the USB to TTL converter IC has been damaged due to an overcurrent flow/short circuit.

Most likely due to plugging the servo cable in with reverse polarity.

yes, right. Now, if the main Atmega328P is OK, you can use this board with a separate USB to TTL converter. If that does not work, I'm afraid that you have to toss it away.

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