Hi guys,
I am working in a project for my foosball table. The idea is to play some random audios during the playgame. Then, once an IR sensor is broken (a goal has been scored) the ongoing audio stops and is followed by the trigger of another audio ("goal") and the score is changed on my 7-segment LED. It seems simple, but it is a lot for a newbie as myself. After racking my brain for a while to make the project works (which does now), I am experiencing a very annoying issue: The reaction time of my IR sensor (Adrafuit 3mm LED) is too slow so it never triggers the device. The problem here is that these sensors are really fast and I don't think they are the origin of my problem. In fact, if I test it in a simple sketch, it works just fine. Therefore, I think there is something on my code that is making it act to slow. Is that possible? I am sharing the code below so you guys can give me some feedback. I am sure it has a lot of junk.
Thanks a lot for the help
Code adapted from Morgenthaler and Leo at Swiss school www.oszt.ch by Daniel da Silva
// 3 lines importing libraries for the Adafruit display
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include "Adafruit_LEDBackpack.h"
#include <Adafruit_Soundboard.h>
#include "SoftwareSerial.h"
long randNumber;
long randGol;
int announcer = 0;
// Initailizing the 7-segment display
Adafruit_7segment matrix = Adafruit_7segment();
// Defining varialbes for the two goals
int Rot;
int Blau;
int a = 0;
int b = 0;
// Defining Arduino's board-LED. For controlling purpose only during coding
#define LEDPIN 13
// Defining the two pins the data connections of the breakbeam sensors
#define SENSORPIN 4
#define SENSORPIN2 2
// Defining the pin for the back to zero button
#define SENSORPIN3 7
#define SFX_TX 3
#define SFX_RX 6
// Connect to the RST pin on the Sound Board
#define SFX_RST 10
// we'll be using software serial
SoftwareSerial ss = SoftwareSerial(SFX_TX, SFX_RX);
// pass the software serial to Adafruit_soundboard, the second
// argument is the debug port (not used really) and the third
// arg is the reset pin
Adafruit_Soundboard sfx = Adafruit_Soundboard(&ss, NULL, SFX_RST);
// can also try hardware serial with
// Adafruit_Soundboard sfx = Adafruit_Soundboard(&Serial1, NULL, SFX_RST);
// Initalizing and defining states for the breakbeam sensors and the back to zero button
int sensorState = 0, lastState=0;
int sensorState2 = 0, lastState2=0;
int sensorState3 = 0, lastState3=0;
char *soundName[] = {
"01 OGG",
"02 OGG",
"03 OGG",
"04 OGG",
"05 OGG",
"06 OGG",
"07 OGG",
"08 OGG",
"09 OGG",
"10 OGG"
"11 OGG",
"12 OGG",
"13 OGG",
"14 OGG",
"15 OGG",
"16 OGG"
"17 OGG",
"18 OGG",
"19 OGG",
"20 OGG",
"21 OGG",
"22 OGG",
"23 OGG",
"24 OGG",
"25 OGG",
"26 OGG",
"27 OGG",
"24 OGG",
"25 OGG",
"26 OGG",
"27 OGG",
"28 OGG"
char *gol[] = {
"1004 OGG",
"1003 OGG"
void setup() {
announcer = 0;
// Initializing Arduino's board LED for output
// Initializing pin for input from breakbeam sensor
// Activating the pullup resistor for this pin to make the two sensor states clear for Arduino
digitalWrite(SENSORPIN, HIGH);
// Same for other breakbeam sensor
digitalWrite(SENSORPIN2, HIGH);
// Same for back to zero button
digitalWrite(SENSORPIN3, HIGH);
// Start value for goals
Rot = 0;
Blau = 0;
//Define address for display
void loop(){
a = Rot - Blau;
b = Blau - Rot;
// Next 3 lines: Read and save states of the 2 sensors and the back to zero button
sensorState = digitalRead(SENSORPIN);
sensorState2 = digitalRead(SENSORPIN2);
sensorState3 = digitalRead(SENSORPIN3);
// The following lines are for displaying the the goal values on the display.
// This if argument prevents from displaying a zero with numbers under 10
if(Rot / 10)
// Display position 0 will show the first position of goal variable Rot
matrix.writeDigitNum(0, (Rot / 10) );
// Display position 1 will show the second position of goal variable Rot
matrix.writeDigitNum(1, Rot % 10 );
// A colon will be displayed between the two varialbes
// This if argument prevents from displaying a zero for other variable
if(Blau / 10)
// Display position 3 will show the first position of goal variable Blau
matrix.writeDigitNum(3, (Blau / 10) );
// Display position 4 will show the second position of goal variable Blau
matrix.writeDigitNum(4, Blau % 10 );
// Display everyting above
switch (announcer) {
case 0:
Serial.println("Start");//print the number
sfx.playTrack("1002 OGG");
announcer = 1;
case 1:
if (sensorState == HIGH || sensorState2 == HIGH) {
randNumber = random(0, 30);
Serial.println(randNumber);//print the number
if (Rot == 10 || Blau == 10) announcer = 6;
if (sensorState == LOW && a <=2) announcer = 2;
if (sensorState2 == LOW && b <=2) announcer = 3;
if (sensorState == LOW && a >=3) announcer = 4;
if (sensorState2 == LOW && b >=3) announcer = 5;
case 2:
Serial.println("Gol team 1");//print the number
randGol = random(0, 4);
Serial.println(randGol);//print the number
Rot = Rot + 1;
announcer = 1;
case 3:
Serial.println("Gol team 2");//print the number
Blau = Blau + 1;
sfx.playTrack("1001 OGG");
announcer = 1;
case 4:
Serial.println("Gol team 1");//print the number
Serial.println("Hammering");//print the number
Rot = Rot + 1;
sfx.playTrack("1005 OGG");
announcer = 1;
case 5:
Serial.println("Gol team 2");//print the number
Blau = Blau + 1;
Serial.println("Hammering");//print the number
sfx.playTrack("1005 OGG");
announcer = 1;
case 6:
Serial.println("Finish");//print the number
sfx.playTrack("1006 OGG");
a = Rot - Blau;
b = Blau - Rot;
announcer = 0;
// Check status of back to zero button
if (sensorState3 && !lastState3) {
// If pressed, the serial display would show "reset" and both goal variables are reset to zero.
if (!sensorState3 && lastState3) {
Blau = 0;
Rot = 0;
// Clears everything displayed on LED
// Save the last sensor states
lastState = sensorState;
lastState2 = sensorState2;
lastState3 = sensorState3;