My copy of “Processing” does not have the “processing.serial” library

I have searched for weeks online for this library. It is suppose to be built into the core but no matter what I do it can never find the processing.serial library.

Every code I try to run gives me this error msg:

The package "processing.serial" does not exist. You might be missing a library.
No library found for processing.serial As of release 1.0, libraries must be installed in a folder named 'libraries' inside the 'sketchbook' folder.

I am running 1.51 on Windows 7 x64 and have fixed the rx/tx issue already. Searching my computer for the file turns the same results as searching the internet so far, it doesn't seem to exist.

Looking at the Processing site for the library only gives me syntax for the language. I'm exhausted in my search. Please, somebody help this newbie out and tell me what it is that I don't know... I'll post the solution to the processing site as soon as it's fixed so nobody has to go through this again.

Your help is so greatly appreciated...

Have you used your imports directive correctly? We will need to see the processing side of your sketch.

The import line should be

import processing.serial.*;

If I leave the '.*' off, I get the same error message as you.

Note that Arduino 1.0 has a different location for the libraries than the versions before.
I recomment to install Arduino 1.0 again, everething should work than.

Note that Arduino 1.0 has a different location for the libraries than the versions before.
I recomment to install Arduino 1.0 again, everething should work than.

Since OP's problem hs nothing to do with Arduino, how would that help?

If you saw a motorist stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire, would you recommend an oil change to solve the problem?