Hello everyone!
I am working to measure AC current with sensor SCT 013 0000 right now. To measure current with that sensor, I used voltage devider with resistor burden 33Ohm.
The program that I created has a Low Pass Filter and I have added calibration data from linier regression. Here my program that I used :
// you can choose a prescaler from above.
// PS_16, PS_32, PS_64 or PS_128
ADCSRA |= PS_128; // set our own prescaler to 64
void loop() {
unsigned int i;
unsigned int z;
z = 0;
// capture the values to memory
for(i=0;i<300;i++) {
start_times[i] = micros();
values[i] = analogRead(A0);
if (values[i] >= z) {
z = values[i];
stop_times[i] = micros();
int vin = z ;
y = 0.9516*y + 0.04843*vin; //LOW PASS FILTER , FREKUENSI CUT OFF = 0,8f
float arus = (y - 513.19)/4.3459; //DATA KALIBRASI REGRESI LINIER
if(arus < 0){
arus = 0;
Serial.print("\t Arus= ");
z = 0;
but, I have some trouble when I detected one phase current form motor 3 phase. my data sensor cant measure correctly the error is 60%.