This is my first program that works well does what i set out to do and overall I am pretty darn proud of. OK, if it works why am I posting at all? Hoping for suggestions and criticism from everyone. This is a project I am working on for my degree in electronics technology, so I think I have a pretty good grasp on the hardware end of things. What I am completely new to is programming these buggers. I have no experience in any programming language so the last week or so (dedicated to this project and some school and work) has been a little frustrating. I feel I am beginning to make progress though and believe I am ready for some interactive help.
Sorry for all the comments in the code this is serving as part of my lab report so there is quite a bit in there.
this program was created using 100% open software and hardware
thank you to all who are willing to share your thoughts and ideas
making this possible!
thank you invaluable resource for learning Arduino programing lots of great tutorials and examples
Arduino Cookbook by Michael Margolis
code was borrowed from all the above sources and many more
created by bFORTIFIED 03/11/2011 revision 2 (code cleanup)
requires LM35 and 5 LEDs (1 green, 3 yellow, 1 red)
and 5 current limiting resitors
LEDs configured common cathode
this program will measure temperature and display reading
in bargraph form
future plans include:
shortening/simplyfying code
driving 10 segment led bargraph with shift registers
driving 7 segment led display with temperature reading
driving brushless DC fan with PWM, based on temp reading
expanding system to 4 zones (4 independent temp sensors,
bargraphs, and fans)
const byte sens=A0; // sets analog pin A0 to name "sens"
// LM35 output will be conected here
// the LM35 is a linearly proportional
// temperature sensor (the output increase
// is directly proportional to increase
// in tempeature) for every 1 degree celsius
// the tempeature changes the output will
// change by 10 mV
const byte LED0=2; // assigns LEDs to digital pins 2-6
const byte LED1=3;
const byte LED2=4;
const byte LED3=5;
const byte LED4=6;
void setup()
pinMode(LED0,OUTPUT); // sets digital LED pins to outputs
setLEDs(1,1,1,1,1); //Turns on all LEDs for 1 second ->
delay(1000); //to check LEDs lighting properly.
setLEDs(0,0,0,0,1); //Turns on and off LEDs in sequence->
delay(500); //to test LEDs and look coool.
delay(1000); /*all LEDs turn off for one second this lets
operator know when the LEDs come back on
this is a legitimate reading*/
void loop()
int sensVal=analogRead(sens); //sets register "sensVal" to reading ->
//from the temp sensor
float voltage = sensVal * 5.0;//converts "sensVal" to a voltage
voltage /= 1024;
float tempC = voltage * 100; //converts voltage to temp in celsius
float tempF = (tempC * 9/5) +32; //converts temp celsius to temp fehrenheit
if (tempF<75) setLEDs(0,0,0,0,1); //sets LEDs according to temp fehrenheit
if (tempF>=80) setLEDs(0,0,0,1,1);
if (tempF>=85) setLEDs(0,0,1,1,1);
if (tempF>=90) setLEDs(0,1,1,1,1);
if (tempF>=95) setLEDs(1,1,1,1,1);
if (tempF>100) warningFlash(1); //flashes LEDs when temp exceeds 100F
//a function to easily set the LEDs in the preceding if statements
void setLEDs(byte ledReg4, byte ledReg3, byte ledReg2, byte ledReg1, byte ledReg0)
if (ledReg0==0) digitalWrite(LED0,LOW);
else digitalWrite(LED0,HIGH);
if (ledReg1==0) digitalWrite(LED1,LOW);
else digitalWrite(LED1,HIGH);
if (ledReg2==0) digitalWrite(LED2,LOW);
else digitalWrite(LED2,HIGH);
if (ledReg3==0) digitalWrite(LED3,LOW);
else digitalWrite(LED3,HIGH);
if (ledReg4==0) digitalWrite(LED4,LOW);
else digitalWrite(LED4,HIGH);
// a function to easily flash all the LEDs that also calls on the
//setLEDs function
void warningFlash(byte flashReg)
if (flashReg==1)
I have a feeling I could clean up the test sequence in the setup somehow like making it add 1 until it gets to five then subtracting 1 till 0 not sure exactly how to do that thought.
And then would the LEDs be a could way to practice an array? Still not quite understanding the concept of arrays.
Your help is greatly appreciated!
hmmmmm [ code ] and [ /code ] didn't seem to work any ideas on that? trying to put the code in a scrolling text box of its own