My GPS module is not sending data

I bought a ublox neo6mv2 (neo-6m-0-001) gps module and it is the first time I use it. I will be using this module in a project with Arduino, but I noticed that my gps module is not sending data (it was where it saw the sky). The led on it is flashing. So it must be getting enough data from satellites. I removed the Gps from Arduino and connected it to the computer via Usb-TTL (FT232RL). When he turned on the GPS he wrote to the Serial Monitor:
(--- Enter port index or full name: COM6
--- Miniterm on COM6 9600,8,N,1 --- )

$GPTXT,01,01,02,u-blox ag -*50
$GPTXT,01,01,02,HW  UBX-G60xx  00040007 FF7FFFFFp*53
$GPTXT,01,01,02,ROM CORE 7.03 (45969) Mar 
17 2011 16:18:34*59
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(These data are not significant and are increasingly distorted)
Then it stopped and did not send any other data. When I turn the power off and on, I never got data again.
When I measured the voltage of the battery on the module with a multimeter, I saw that it was 3V. Should it be 3.3V?

Why might it not be sending data? And why might the data I receive have been increasingly corrupted?


take a little bit more time. The GPS receiver is collecting data to fill their own allmanch.

The above sentence indicates that the GPS unit does not have a satellite fix. You need to be outdoors with a clear view of the sky.

The garbled sentences could be due to a slight mismatch in the sending and receiving serial baud rates.

And the $GPGSV sentences are indicating very weak or no signals, just as if the GPS is indoors.

Time to first-fix from cold/factory can be many many minutes, its vital to have a good view of the sky (all of it) to hasten this process. The almanac has to be downloaded in order that subsequent fixes can be much more rapid, so leave for half an hour or so to be sure.

Thank you all very much for your answers. I took what you said into consideration and my last attempt was as follows:

(After incoming data for 1 minute 4 seconds:)
$GP@L!6 %3!, 0A#704,36!4&,N, "1 4.02!&4(E(0,016(,0" 621,,,*7
 GPTPa,,D,,M,0.014,N, . 30,K,@ 27
$G⸮P@⸮ @ $!$  $)(!  4**B⸮TX$⸮U(U⸮J⸮ZEPRP⸮⸮**
...(74 lines of meaningless data)

I got meaningful data for about a minute, but it started to degrade again and stopped shortly after. I couldn't solve my data corruption problem, please help.
Why can't this continuity of synchronization be ensured in communication?

This is usually a sign that the GPS and Arduino baud rates don't match closely, and may be due to an incorrectly calibrated/inaccurate Arduino system clock. Which Arduino are you using?

If your for us unknown sketch is working with strings than take a view here:

Since you appear to have had the GPS connected direct to a USB to serial adapter, with no Arduino involved, this is very likely a problem with the GPS itself.

It can happen if the supply voltage to the GPS is not adequate or stable.

Does anything on the GPS module get hot?

photo of GPS module? or a link to seller's site?

All the GPS modules I've used require 5v to the board. I've always assumed there is an on board regulator that provides 3.3Vvto the Neo module.

If you see the boot up message repeated, that's a sign the Neo isn't getting adequate voltage.

There's no point in trying to get satellite signals and a fix until you get a reliable legible & continuous output. Even if the Neo doesn't see any satellites, the output sentences should always be readable, just with empty fields.

A photo or link to the site where it was bought would help us help you.

If the on board LED dims or rapidly flickers, then that is indicative of inadequate voltage.

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