I'm having trouble getting my IR breaker module to work and getting code from a tv remote, and I'm hoping some of you experienced Arduino or Using Infrared can help me troubleshoot the issue. I've tried everything I can think of, and nothing has worked.
I'm working on a project where I need to control various devices using IR signals and flex sensors from my Arduino. I've connected the IR breaker module to my Arduino and have been using the IRremote library for transmitting IR signals.
The Issue
1.No Signal Output: When I upload the code to my Arduino and press the buttons on my remote control, the IR breaker module doesn't seem to transmit any signals. I've triple-checked my connections, and they seem to be fine.
2.*Library and Code: I'm using the IRremote library, and I'm confident that the library is installed correctly. Here's a snippet of the code I'm using:
#include <IRremote.h>
const int RECV_PIN = 7;
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;
Okey. I don't know that module "G R Y" are not known. A link to its datasheet would be good.
As usual, in Fritzing pictures things are expected to run without power and Your pictures show no powering. How is the setup powered?
You skipped most of the reply. What kind of output is "Y"? Don't answer "It is digital" because that would not be enough. The datasheet would tell.
Try again.
To be sure I would add a 10k pullup resistor to the signal output in case it is an open collector output.
I would say that's a Chinese sales document as it lacks most of the usual electrical information.