My latest project

Recently, I got a Digilent Atlys. After realizing that the USB host port on it connected to a PIC24 (the "Kelly Wu" board also uses a PIC24, but a different one), I had the idea to connect an Android tablet to it. And the idea was born.

At this point, I'm working on the firmware for it. There are a number of hardware problems and limitations with the board ( Review: Digilent Atlys - Page 1 ), but they were fairly easy to fix or work around.

Not sure about the idea, is it connect android tablet with atlys and then to an MCU? Newer android tablets have USB host ports already but you may prefer windows tablet for similar price to iPad and 8 times the DRAM

The idea is to connect an Android tablet to a FPGA, so that the tablet can load a program into the FPGA and communicate with it using a custom app. I'm using a modified Atlys board for prototyping, but I will likely design a custom board in the long term.

As for applications, first thing that comes to mind is a logic analyzer. With the addition of an ADC, it can also operate as an oscilloscope or software defined radio.