My oled made text too small and I dont know how to make it bigger pls help

I tried using myOLED.textSize(); but it didnt work.
Im using Qwiic Micro Oled sparkfun library: <SparkFun_Qwiic_OLED.h>, here is my code:

void drawOne (int width, int height){
    int x = width/2;
    int y = height/2;
  myOLED.text(x, y,"1", COLOR_WHITE);

Please confirm that you are using a supported micro processor and a supported OLED display.

What is a microprocessor? if you mean arduino uno then yes.
as for OLED display, yes i am using correct display

You need myOLED.display() to show the data on the OLED.

You can receive better and more detailed help if you:

  • post your complete sketch
  • describe with more details what your OLED-display did really show
  • post the exact type what OLED (I mean the hardware) you are using
  • if you describe with numbers what you want to see on the display instead
    example "I want the letters to be 20 pixels high"

best regards Stefan

There will be examples with the supplied library for your display - have a look at those .

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