My own compiler and uploader

I want to make a program that will allow me to upload to the Arduino without the ability to view or edit the sketch. Basically I want to write the code, change it to a HEX file and then with my application, you can select the file and upload it to a Arduino without being able to see or edit the code

Is that possible?


arduino upload hex directly at DuckDuckGo

Enable Verbose output during Upload from the File -> Preferences menu and you can see how avrdude is uploading the hex file. You can call avrdude the same way.

Keep in mind that if you use any libraries licensed under the GPL, you are required to publish your code under an open-source license when distributing the HEX files, and if you use any LGPL libraries, you have to provide linkable object files of your code that can be linked to different versions of those libraries.

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