My program code is bug or incorrect?

Why Servo, mp3 speaker, joystick not working but separate code to other file can working?

:cry: :cry: :cry:

main_comment.ino (10.5 KB)

"not working" provides no information to help us to help you.

You need to tell us exactly what your program does and what you want it to do that is different.

It is also a good idea to explain how the different parts of your program are supposed to work as it can be very time consuming to try to figure that out from the code.


I'm doing a project about making a robot pet. I use one joystick to control servos and control 8x8 LED matrix (like changing its face), and I use another joystick to control MP3 speaker. My separate code of each part can work well but when I combine it together, it can't work.

but when I combine it together, it can't work.

Timer conflict?

it can't work.

That is no more informative than "not working".

Please re-read Reply #1
