Mystic behavior of bounce2 library and Serial output

sorry, but I really can't name this topic. I'm trying to explain what happens with my sketch.
(Arduino nano, win10 x64, ARDUINO 1.8.1 )

I'm implementing menu on arduino controlled by several buttons. Variable ButtonPressed shows which button was pressed. ButtonHandler procedure does some depending on ButtonPressed.

Here is minimal part of my code:

 js1Click.update(); //update bounce2 object - js1 is one of the buttons
 Serial.println(; //this outputs garbage to the serial port = "?b???????En?"
 if (js1Click.fell()) { FellTime = millis(); }
 if (js1Click.rose()) { //this is to detect long click
      RoseTime = millis();
      if (RoseTime - FellTime < btLongPressLatency) { ButtonPressed = btJs1Click; }
      else { ButtonPressed = btJs1LongClick; }

 if (ButtonPressed == 0) { //reset counters if nothing was pressed
    btTimeNoPress = millis(); 
    btWasChecked = false; 
    btRepeatTimePress = 0;

 if (ButtonPressed) { //do what i need depending on what was pressed
   // Serial.println(ButtonPressed);
    if (!btWasChecked) {
       btWasChecked = true;
       btRepeatTimePress = 0;

Compiler output

Compiling 'Rewinder_Peter' for 'Arduino Nano w/ ATmega328'
Program size: 14,240 bytes (used 46% of a 30,720 byte maximum) (1.39 secs)
Minimum Memory Usage: 630 bytes (31% of a 2048 byte maximum)

AVR Memory Usage
Device: atmega328p

Program:   14240 bytes (43.5% Full)
(.text + .data + .bootloader)

Data:        630 bytes (30.8% Full)
(.data + .bss + .noinit)

text   data    bss    dec    hex 
      0  14240      0  14240   37a0

If I remove


this part of sketch doesn't work at all. I.e js1Click.update(); doesn't work and ButtonPressed = 0

If I uncomment


Serial.println( prints 1 instead of garbage (as button is really not pressed) and this part of sketch doesn't work as well.

Your code is very hard to read for several reasons.

Put EVERY { on a line BY ITSELF.
Put EVERY } on a line BY ITSELF.
Use Tools + Auto Format.

Post ALL of your code.

The presence, or absence, or Serial.print() statements affecting the rest of the code almost always comes down to running out of memory.

Good function names consist of a verb (what to do) and a noun (what to do it to). ButtonHandler() is a louse name. handleButton() isn't much better, but at least it has a noun and a verb. Describing exactly what "handle" means would be far better.

Dear PaulS, many thanks, noted.