n00b alert!: Trying to make a arduino powered rc controller.

Hi guys,
first off sorry if this has been covered before or is in the wrong section. 1=total noob at this arduino thing but anyway here goes.
my first real project choice after turning some led's off and on is something i hope will be very versitile for future projects
which is a rc controller.

what i am trying to do in convert a controller for a helicopter that i have lying around (two big joysticks with two potentionmeters on each for up/down and left/right) into a rc controller that will for now make two small dc motors go backward and forward.

the hardware i have to work with is the controller, 2x freetronics eleven boards ( UNO compatible) 1x freetronics h-bridge sheild
and a 433mhz transmiter and receiver all from jaycar.

eventually id like to have both the transmitter and the receiver on the controller so i can have a display on the controller but for now i just want to get the motors turning.

i have been searching online for a similar project but cant find one that fits the bill

as the joysticks have springs built in id like to have each one control the motor in 2 directions, as in, push forward and motor goes forward, pull back and motor goes back.

any assistance, tip or links to help in the setup and coding of this would be SWELL....... yeah thats right i said swell. i'm bringing it back

i have been searching online for a similar project but cant find one that fits the bill

Aside from having jumped into the deep end without knowing how to swim, what is your problem?

You have several things you need to be able to do. You need to be able to read a value from each of the potentiometers (trivial), you need to be able to send that value over the radio, you need to receive that data (somewhere), and you need to make that value control one of the motors. Which part are you stuck on?