hey everyone im here with a nano 33 ble board, i'm currently stuck as i cannot get past this conundrum.
the general purpose or scope im looking to achieve is, i want my smartphone to provide a push note when it detects my arduino 33 ble and my board to provide a "name" or "label" upon detection. i also want to be able to see the location or be able look at the app and know where the arno is at physically. if anyone can help me it'd be greatly appreciated, i'm frustrated as i've already scrapped multiple sketches of java and arduino
Install the ArduinoBLE library using the Library Manager
go to File -> Examples -> ArduinoBLE -> Peripheral -> LED
compile and download to your Arduino Nano 33 BLE
start the Serial Monitor (otherwise the sketch will not run)
open your phone and install a generic BLE app. I use BLE Scanner or EFR Connect on iPhone
Scan for devices and you should see a couple of Bluetooth devices including your Nano.
There is usually a negative number shown near every device. This is the RSSI an indicator of the received signal strength. This is all you can get from a single Bluetooth device for indication of where the device is. You cannot find your device this way unless you move. When you move and see the number gets larger (more positive/ less negative) this will indicate the signal strength increases and you are getting closer.
If you understand the concept you can start writing your own smartphone app and use the phones infrastructure to help you find your device. You could scan for your Arduino on a regular basis. If the device is nearby you store information about where your phone is and what time it is. Then you can look at your app and the app can show you the information. This only works assuming your Arduino is only moved by you.
First, Please install the BLE library(IDE-> Sketch->Include library->Manage Libraries->BLE) and then, open the LED sketch under the Peripheral folder.
Install the nRF connect app on the mobile.
- Upload the sketch
- Open the serial monitor
- Follow the commands as per in the attachments. Pass values 0 and 1 to UINT 8 to turn on and turn off your board LED and you can see the output in the serial monitor too