Nano 33 BLE Bluetooth packet parameters

Hello everyone,

I'm a newbie. For my project, I started using Arduino Nano BLE to send data from sensors to the android smartphone.

Firstly, I'm focusing on basic examples, I tried to send Humidity and Temperature data.
It is almost done. I used Arduino BLE library. However, I'm wondering about some details. For example, I don't know the packet size, the connection interval, and how many packets were sent in each connection interval. Because I defined the BLE service and BLE characteristics, and BLE service name and added them to the advertised service. I read the data and sent them.

I checked the nRF52840 datasheet and some websites. I started to understand the BLE 5.0 stack and its packet structure. But I don't know which parameters value Arduino nano BLE use.

I want to know these detail. Because, after I understand deeply, I will put ads1293 and accelerometer instead of these sensors.

Thank you.

If you push the values into the manufacturerData then you’ve got about 30 bytes. You just need to call .advertise() after you’ve updated the data.

The advantage here is that you don’t have to do a full connect and then read characteristics to get the data. Which means you can monitor more devices at the same time.

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