Hello everyone,
I'm a newbie. For my project, I started using Arduino Nano BLE to send data from sensors to the android smartphone.
Firstly, I'm focusing on basic examples, I tried to send Humidity and Temperature data.
It is almost done. I used Arduino BLE library. However, I'm wondering about some details. For example, I don't know the packet size, the connection interval, and how many packets were sent in each connection interval. Because I defined the BLE service and BLE characteristics, and BLE service name and added them to the advertised service. I read the data and sent them.
I checked the nRF52840 datasheet and some websites. I started to understand the BLE 5.0 stack and its packet structure. But I don't know which parameters value Arduino nano BLE use.
I want to know these detail. Because, after I understand deeply, I will put ads1293 and accelerometer instead of these sensors.
Thank you.