Hello everyone,
I managed in the past to use Nano 33 as logger for analog signal and it works very well for managin buffer of different sensors and create my own structure.
Now i want to switch wireless and use BLE capacity. I bought two sensor with BLE transmission capability. Sensor read accelerometer and a Time of Flight sensor and are programmed as beacons sending the data in the Advertisement data structure.
I am able witha modified ArudinoBLE.h library to read the advertisment data of a single sensor, but i struggle (since i am a beginner with BLE ) in the logging of those data, and managing the incoming data of both sensor.
I would like to ask if someone as experience on doing something similar. How i can manage to synchronize both sensor at the same time? Is possible to read continously the data from the beacons?
I report my code here. With this code i am able to get advertisement data in HEX format from my sensor . Anyway since the ScanForAddress is done in the setup i have no chance to get multiple beacons.
I tried to do the scanForAddress recursively in the loop, but this slow down a lot the acquisition.
Anyone oen has experienced how to " catch" beacon address and recursively get the advertisement data at high frequency?
#include <ArduinoBLE.h>
void setup() {
while (!Serial);
// begin initialization
if (!BLE.begin()) {
Serial.println("starting BLE failed!");
while (1);
Serial.println("BLE Central scan");
// start scanning for peripheral
void loop() {
// check if a peripheral has been discovered
BLEDevice peripheral = BLE.available();
// Scan only for ATC_ devices
if (peripheral) {
uint8_t advertisement[28] = {0};
int adLength = peripheral.advertisingData(advertisement,28);
Serial.print("Advertisement 0x16: 0x");
uint8_t sensorAdvertisementData[28]; // TODO - allocate according to length or spec
// Zeroing output
for (int x = 0; x < sizeof(sensorAdvertisementData); x++)
sensorAdvertisementData[x] = 0;
int sensorAdvertisementLength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 28;) {
int eirLength = advertisement[i++];
int eirType = advertisement[i++];
if (eirType == 0x16) { // ATC custom advertisement type
// copy each byte and print. could have used memcpy and sprintf
sensorAdvertisementLength = eirLength;
for (int j = 0; j < (eirLength - 1); j++) {
uint8_t thisByte = advertisement[i + j];
sensorAdvertisementData[j] = thisByte;
if (thisByte <= 0xF) Serial.print("0");
// restart scan
i += (eirLength - 1);
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