Nano 33 BLE: reassign Serial1 pins?

Pin 1 of my Nano 33 BLE has been damaged (more on this here), preventing me from using Serial1. I'm already using the second hardware UART, so I would like to fix Serial1.

Is it possible to reassign Serial1 RX to another pin? Will it work if I modify this line in core? Is there another solution ? (from sketch)


(@facchinm, I'm allowing myself to notify you as you are the one involved in this area)

No it a fixed peripheral on the chip.

No because that is pointing the code at where the hardware UART is.

Possible use a software serial library, but it has limitations.

Get a UART port expander to connect to the I2C or SPI bus.

Like this one MAX14830 Datasheet and Product Info | Analog Devices

Be aware that using analogue multiplexers is not a real answer.

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You may not be able to fix Serial1 but you should be able to add another hardware serial port with this

UART mySerial(digitalPinToPinName(4), digitalPinToPinName(3), NC, NC);

You can change 4 and 3 to other pins as the processor can mux any functionality on any pin.

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