I'm using a free Arduino Cloud account with a Nano 33 IoT to control some devices and log data. My problem is:
- if I run the Nano from a laptop/USB, it works fine
- if I start it connected to a laptop with USB, it will then carry on working on external power
- if I start it just with external power, it never sends any data to the cloud
Debugging this is a bit tricky - I suspect some Serial issues, so plugging a laptop in to see what's happening seems to fix the problem. I've added a bunch of status LEDs so I can see what state the device is in, and they tell me that: - the device is running otherwise as normal, even though no data is being sent
is returningWL_CONNECTED
is returningCONNECTED
is returningtrue
I have tried making sure the watchdog is disabled (ArduinoCloud.begin(ArduinoIoTPreferredConnection, false);
), but otherwise, I'm out of ideas. I'll try a minimal working example next, but I thought I'd see if anyone has run into something similar?