Nano 33 IoT doesn't see hotspot network

Hi, I have a Nano 33 IoT and I'm running the Example sketch at

The serial monitor shows the same list of nearby networks as my laptop and WiFi-enabled desktop do, except one is missing: the connection that both the laptop and desktop are using right now, and that I'm posting this over.

The missing connection is a mobile hotspot served by my Motorola "moto one 5g ace" smartphone. Any ideas why the Arduino wouldn't see that network? Thanks!

Is the number of connected devices limited in your phone setting - turn your printer/ laptop off and try again ??

Thank you for the suggestion, but the hotspot setting to limit the number of connections is off. I tested anyway by disconnecting all other devices, but the Arduino still doesn't see the network. Could there be a WiFi versioning incompatibility? Any other suggestions?

Sorry , I’ve no other ideas on this one -?I’ve never tried this type of connection , hopefully someone else will be along soon .
Might be worth a google to see if others have seen it

Download and run a network scanner , to see if you can see it . Just tried this and CAN now see the phone ….

Hi hammy,
I appreciate your input. When you say a network scanner, you mean like nmap or Wireshark? I am invested in learning, and I would be grateful if you could explain what program you have in mind, and what I would be looking for. As I described, I did run the example Arduino sketch to scan for visible networks, so I guess that's not what you mean. Thanks again.

I was thinking of an IP network scanner , lots of free ones about for your PC

Sorry, I am not sure I follow your logic. The laptop and desktop see and list neighboring WiFi networks including my mobile hotspot, and the Arduino sees and lists the same networks except my mobile hotspot. It is not able to connect to the network. If I were to run a network scan from the laptop, I would be looking for the mobile hotspot? Are you saying that after scanning your hotspot from a network scanner, your Arduino was then able to see your hotspot?

I am confused about what you are suggesting scanning for. If I am scanning from the PC as you suggest, then of course I can see the phone. Could you please clarify your troubleshooting thought process? Thanks.

OK, the issue was that the board does not support 5GHz WiFi. When I switched the hotspot to use 2.4 GHz, the Arduino started to see it.

I am pretty unhappy about this limitation. Why make a new board with a 2.4 GHz-only chip when 5 GHz was already the norm?

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