NANO 33 IOT Schematics

I would like to include the nano 33 iot in one of my projects and I would need schematics/eagle files for it. Does anyone have any idea when/if they will become available?

Same here :slight_smile:

Especially I would like to know how much current is available from the 3.3 V converter for own hardware.

Thanks too

The Schematics have now been added for your extra pleasure...
They were requested to the team yesterday.



Thanks for the update! I had just noticed they were posted and I was returning to the post to let everyone know about it. :slight_smile:

Yes, thanks :smiley:

The DCDC converter is a MPM3610 which has a maximum rating of 21 V and 1.2 A. Since there is no cooling area on the pcb we can not use the maximum but I tested it with 9 V at VIN and a 4.7 Ohm resistor between 3.3V and GND. So the resistor current was 0.67 A (measured). It worked quite well. The MPM3610 became warm but not hot (round about 45 - 55°C, the maximum rating is 150°C).