Nano appears as COM6 and doesn't work

I have 2 nano boards, one of them works fine, appears as USB-Serial CH340 (COM5), but the second board appears as: USB Serial Port (COM6), and when i select it in IDE, try to upload, it gives this error: avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "\.\COM6": �������� � �������. Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 1

P.S., i am using the same cable&usb port for both boards
Also, i tried deleting both COM6 and Ch340 COM5 devices in device manager, plugged second nano again, and it recognized it as USB Serial Port (COM5), and gives the same error but with COM5.

The error may be due to driver issues with the CH340 chip on the Nano board. Try downloading and reinstalling the CH340 drivers from the manufacturer’s website. Ensure that the correct board and processor are selected in the Arduino IDE. If the problem continues, there might be an issue with the board itself.

Best Regards.

Just some options as the question marks don't give much info (like "in use" or "access denied").

If you're using IDE 2.x, try closing the serial monitor.

Do both Nanos use the CH340? You can check the VID and PID in device manager. Or does on use another chip (originals use a FTDI serial-to-usb converter).

Sometimes Windows rhinks that your board is a Bluetooth device; see if disabling Bluetooth solves the issue.

Yeah, closing serial monitor helped to upload, but when i upload&try to open serial again, IDE just crashes.
The working nano has driver, i guess? it says that producer is, and broken one has FTDI.
about the bluetooth, i don't even have a bluetooth module on my pc, but anyway it doesn't appear as a bluetooth device.

Oh gosh, i just tried installing ch340 drivers to the broken nano, and now my pc just crashes whenever i try to plug it in. do i just throw it away at this point, or is there anything i can do ?

And how you tried to do that??

Through device manager>update drivers>update manually and ch340 from the list

Just uninstall that device.
You need FTDI driver to be installed on windows.

If your broken Nano uses the FTDI chip, why did you try to install the CH340 drivers to it?

And you don't install drivers to an Arduino, you install drivers on (to) a PC.

I do not know why your PC crashes but if you indeed installed the wrong driver that might be the cause.

You can throw your boards and PC my way :smiley:

I suggest that you remove the installed CH340 and FTDI drivers to clean up the mess. Next install the correct drivers.

When you install the Arduino IDE it comes with the FTDI drivers and the you can download the CH340 driver from (note that this is an older driver that prevents some possible problems with your board).

Well, with the fact that IDE has FTDI drivers already, and i also installed them manually, i've no idea why won't this board work
Though, in device settings it says this
Its saying device FTDIBUS\VID_0403+PID_6001+FTB6SPL3A\0000 needs a further installation.

The only advise that I can give is to re-install the driver.

The Arduino IDE developers are tracking the bug of uploads to boards with an FTDI FT232R chip failing with an "Access is denied." error (which I guess the �������� � ������� in your upload output would have said if the localized text had been correctly rendered) when Serial Monitor or Serial Plotter are open here: