Nano Every controlling BLDC

Hi. So this is my first project with my first arduino and it seemed pretty simple but of course, nothing happened once I put it all together and sketched the board and I have no idea why.

I have a rc motor and the esc to go with it and I just want to make it run with a potentiometer. Nothing crazy, just speed control.

I used this sketch (changed what needed to be changed for my pin selection):

Servo ESC;                              //Using the servo library to send out pwm signal for the esc
#define esc_pin 9                       // Change your pin connected to esc accordingly here

void setup(){

void loop(){
  int val;
  val = analogRead(6);
  val = map(val, 0, 1023, 1000, 2000);   // Mapping the input value(0 to 1023) from potentiometer to 1000 to 2000 pwm signal 
                                         // Change accordingly if your motor starts spinning even when potentiometer is set at 0

I wired it all up and turn the esc on, fan comes on but no beeps. Turning the pot does nothing, arduino has all three led lights on (one green, near usb and two in the middle of the board orange).

There's 12v power to the esc but only outputting max 6v into the arduino from one of the wires on the esc's reciever. I connected the receiver wires to the arduino. I checked which were which with a voltage meter and I'm pretty certain I have them right.

I'm using an arduino nano every

Any advice, knowledge, help, enlightenment to a glaring mistake, would be greatly appreciated!

Please read and use the topic "How to get the best out of this forum".

Sorry, I've hopefully added enough info now

Do you have a regular cheap r/c servo you can try first, before taking on the additional complication of running an ESC?

Have you performed a calibration on the ESC?

Are you sure the ESC is automatically or has been configured to respond to traditional servo style PWM (20 ms period 1-2 ms pulses)?


I'd use a servo if I had one. I've spent the last three weeks trying to fix my immersion blender with a bldc. I've bought three motors, three chinese control boards and this arduino. This motor and esc was the first motor I bought and the most expensive by far and after three weeks of trying to sell it (because I realised controlling it without a receiver was going to be a lot more complicated than I thought) and the cheaper, simpler options failing for various reasons, I figure I should at least try the arduino rout, since I bought it for no other purpose. Again, at the time I started this whole thing, thinking it was a simpler option than it actually is.

I tried to calibrate it, I don't know if the calibration worked, though I don't have a receiver, so probably not.

I'm not sure how it has been configured. This is the ESC/motor combo

I assumed I should use the esc because I thought it would run the motor better than a cheap controller off ebay but if someone knows if that's actually plausible, I would love to just hook the motor straight to a universal bldc controller and cut my losses already!

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