Nano - Every - GRBL

Having problems and it looks like the Every will not accept GRBL. Rather than run round in circles can somebody please confirm if it is possible to flash GRBL.

Not even close. Grbl uses a lot of AVR processor registers that don't exist on the "Nano Every".

Thanks very much. Reading the technical details as a novice I thought this was a superior product. I am using nano clones but thought I would use official products. Will now try and return.
Thanks again.

It is, just not a nano one2one replacement

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It more than likely is (except for the amount of EEPROM). I have no doubts that @johnwasser is correct and that indicates that GRBL is the problem. It circumvents the Hardware Abstraction Layer so compatibility with can be an issue. And it's not only GRBL that gives the problems; any library that is not written with the megaAVR in mind will give you gray hair.

Consider keeping it if you have future hand coded projects in mind - it is more capable than a basic Nano.

Thanks for all the replies. I am a 77yr old trainee so hand programming now well above my abilities. Going to return all three as I cannot see me being able to use them although I could donate to my local school/college.

That’s very kind

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