Nano Every with microSD card + DS3231 Module problem and a HC-05

Dear Folks,

I have a question about 3 modules and the arduino nano every.
I want to use the following modules for my project.

  • HC05 bluetooth module
  • DS3231 RTC Module
  • MicroSD card reader Module

I have 2 of them working currently on my nano every.
The only thing that pulls me back is the RTC module, some how it recognizes it but does not seem to do something. the only output that it gave me is 0 0 0 0 0 0.
The SD card module is working without a problem, and also the HC-05 works fine.

I can try to change the battery on the RTC module, that's what i didnt do from this point on.
But it receives power from the arduino so that should be good.
My question is is it possible to use a i2c module as the DS3231 is, if i used the isp system for my microSD card reader?

I think that might be the case, that it threw dust in my eyes on that point.

Hope you guys have an answer, best wishes!

Fixed it already, seems to be an power issue on the 5v circuit. because since i changed changed the battery on the DS3231 module it's working. Now i finally can design my pcb. so far so good. the nano is working. and the sketch is pretty good!

Fixed it already, seems to be an power issue on the 5v circuit. because since i changed changed the battery on the DS3231 module it's working. Now i finally can design my pcb. so far so good. the nano is working. and the sketch is pretty good!


Which libraries do you use for DS3231 and MicroSD? I use DS3231.h and SdFat.h and those do not compile on Arduino Every.

I would appreciate your help.
