The NANO Motor Carrier indicates that the maximum voltage to the motor is 12 volts. I would like to have more than this, about 15V. The H bridge that is used (MP6522) can handle up to 35V, but not sure the on-board circuitry can handle 15V. Any thoughts?
There are two sides of a driver. One is the logic side using 5, or 3.3 volt logic. The other side, the motor part, can, in general, use just any voltage. Remember to know the motor maximum voltage and not apply a higher voltage. Using PWM a higher voltage can be used but then the maximum pwm dutycycle must be calciulated. I would say 12*12/15/15 = 64% ontime. AnalogWrite(163) is the maximum I would use.
Why do You want to use 15 volt and not the safe 12 volt?
HA, ha, funny you should ask Railroader... DCC on HO requires about 15V. TBH, the motor shield/Mega combination works just fine. Was really just wondering...
As I do run a model railroad I know my Maerklin controller and Littfinski boosters use 20 volt!
The analog voltage used is 16 volt.
All trains except one use Maerklin MFM but one Roco loco runs on DCC....
Used to have a bunch of Marklin when I was a kid, but could no longer afford even the track! But they have always had some great equipment. Anyway, trying to find a better solution to DCC that isn't so expensive and Arduino seems to be at least part of the answer.
Yes, Marklin costs money. I know.....
Have You found out the coding and how to boost it out to the tracks?
I use 2 DB4 LittfĂnnski boosters. But still, generating the combined addressing and powering signal remains.
I'm working on that. There are several open source DCC projects that I've taken code from. They work well with existing UNO/Megas, etc. but I was trying to add the NANO IOT 33 board to the code as a first step. Next step was to add an ESP32. Still working on the NANO... The use of the NANO carrier would make the hookup to a motor shield a little less complicated with jumper wires, but it isn't really a big deal to use the motor shield for uno/mega.
It works with UNO and Mega.
"Adding a Nano".... Do You say You somehow want 2 controllers in the build?
No. I mean that a Nano can be a controller if you wish. Right now it isn't supported in the code.
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