Nano mini B cable info

problem I just blew up a new Nano 3 with the wrong mini B cable not all mini B cables are compatible.
with the board. The Nano led lit up red and then ran the Blink sketch (installed in new Nano). The store does not have a cable listed for Nano boards for sale or a specify compatible cable to use. I will buy a new board but don't which cable to use. Does anybody have the correct cable name, number or other info for purchase.

Blowing up a Nano with a Mini-B USB cable is unusual; it's the first time that I hear about it. Your Nano was working (pre-installed blink); did it spontaneously die while running blink?

The usual problem is that there is power but no data; and to my knowledge that is usually the case in case of Micro-B, not Mini-B. I've never had a problem with Mini-B cables, maybe just lucky.

My Sparkfun starter kit came with a Mini-B cable a few years ago and that is still working.

I''ve used Nanos with many different USB mini cables. I don't understand how a standard cable can "blow up" yr Nano. I would test the voltages on the cable when it's plugged into the power source you were using when it blew up. .


The term "blew up" is probably the wrong term. The result of the experience is that the "port entry " i.e. is blank. It tries COM 3 but stops install with error msg. I have installed 1.8.5 and and the board manager version as suggested in Nano help. I'm also running XP. As I am new to Arduino and still running XP maybe the problem..

What does device manager say (too long ago that I used WinXP to know for sure if it's called that) when you connect the Nano?

Any (new) yellow exclamation marks when you connect?

Sure sounds like you have a power only cable.
You can use a multimeter and confirm all 4 pins have continuity from one end of the cable to the other.

When I plug into USB the last USB root Hub changes to serial converter

I just went back to sketch it now shows Port com 4. I tried upload and it work successfully. Not sure what magic took place..I will now try to upload my sketch..

OK it uploaded successfully. It was not a cable but my inexperience that was the problem. Thanks for all the help. Now I have to see if I wired everything correctly..