so i'm following a project where they use a nano for a useless box machine and unfortunately its in Spanish so i cant understand where the the schematic explanation but i was able to get a picture of the schema. i am trying to replicate the project on my Arduino mega but i dont know which pins on the nano are which pins on the mega. and im kinda afraid of doing it wrong and risking breaking my Arduino. if anyone has any advice/answers i am very interested. im also in a little time crunch since this is meant to be a present.
thank you so much i really appretiate someone helping other out.
one last question, could i have the same setup as they do were the 9v powers the arduino and servo or do you recomend i use an external for both
so i would conned the positive of the servo to the positive of the separate power supply and the ground to the arduino ground and servo ground while powering the arduino off a different 6-9v power supply?