Nano v3 not interfacing

My nano is not interfacing with any computer. I have tried different cords, different computers, and even different nanos, but they don't show up at all. I have checked the device manager and when I plug the Arduino in it says unknown device, but Arduino ide doesn't recognize it. I have had this problem with my mega before, but I can't remember how I fixed it.

Windows? Maybe you need to install a driver.

In device manager can you see anything with a yellow warning symbol against it, maybe under "unknown devices" or something?

It did say that it was missing drivers, but I don't know how to install new ones. The automatic search for new drivers couldn't find anything.

Please tell us which USB to serial adapter chip your Nano board has. This is the largest black chip on the bottom of the board.

The chip will usually be identified by writing on the top. This might say something like "WCH CH340G" or "FTDI FT232RL".





SparkFun - CC BY-SA 4.0 (cropped)



ICIC-SS28-X-K232-01 by oomlout - CC BY-SA 2.0 (cropped)

If it isn't clear, alternatively you can provide the link to where you bought the board from and we'll see if we can determine the chip from the product listing.

There is a sticker covering the chip that I can't get off but the website on the nano is robotdyn nano v3.

I just got the sticker off with an exacto knife and I can see a faint W but the rest is too faded to read.

I found some product listings of the "Nano" boards from that company and I'm sure it uses the WCH CH340 USB chip.

I'll provide instructions you can follow to install the driver for that chip:

  1. Open the driver download page on the website of WCH, the manufacturer of the CH340 chip:
  2. Click the button with the cloud and downward pointing arrow to download the driver.
  3. Wait for the download to finish.
  4. Unzip the downloaded file.
  5. Open the Windows "Device Manager".
  6. Connect the Arduino board to your computer with a USB cable.
  7. You should see a new device appear under the "Other devices" section of the device tree. Right click on it.
    The context menu will open.
  8. Select "Update driver from the context menu.
    An "Update Drivers" dialog will open.
  9. Click "Browse my computer for drivers" in the "Update Drivers" dialog.
    The dialog will progress to the "Browse for drivers on your computer" step.
  10. Click the "Browse..." button to the right of the location field in the dialog.
    The "Browse For Folder" dialog will open.
  11. Select the folder you unzipped in the previous step of these instructions in the "Browse For Folder" dialog.
  12. Click the "OK" button.
    The "Browse For Folder" dialog will close.
  13. Click the "Next" button in the "Update Drivers" dialog.
  14. The dialog should now show the message "Windows has successfully updated your drivers". Click the "Close" button.
  15. Click the X icon in the Device Manager window to close it.

You should now see a port for your Arduino board under the Tools > Port menu in Arduino IDE.

I installed the drivers and now it is showing up in the IDE so I decided to test it with the blink program but it is doing the averdude programmer not responding thing.

This is progress at least!

Please try this experiment and then report back with the results:

:exclamation: This will not solve the problem. The experiment is done to gather more information about the problem.

  1. Connect the Arduino board to your computer with a USB cable.
  2. Press and release the button on the Arduino board that is marked "RESET".

Now please reply with the answers to the following questions:

  • Did you see the LED marked "L" on the board blink immediately after you released the "RESET" button?
  • Did the LED blink only once, or did it blink multiple times?

It blinked immediately but only once.

OK, great! Select Tools > Processor > ATmega328P (Old Bootloader) from the Arduino IDE menus and then try uploading again.

Hopefully this time the upload will finish successfully.

It worked! thank you so much.

You are welcome. I'm glad it is working now.


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