Nano with TFT ST7735

Good evening, I'm trying to use Arduino Nano with a ST7735 tft display. I made the connections like this:

  • VCC 3V3
  • CS 10
  • RESET 9
  • A0 (DC) 8
  • SDA 11
  • SCK 13
  • 3V3 LED

Pins 8, 9, and 10 are defined
#define TFT_CS 10
#define TFT_DC 8
#define TFT_RST 9

I load the sketch and it doesn't give me errors, but nothing appears on the display.
Thank you

Maybe because you don't print anything to the TFT? This is a hint, post your sketch. Also, please post a schematic / wiring diagram (a photo of a hand-drawn one is fine); it will make it a lot clearer compared to your description ( e.g. a Nano does not have a pin called LED so we don't know what you're talking about :wink: )

If your ST7735 is a 3.3V device, have you verified that its input pins can handle 5V?

I do not think.
I have a ST7735, which is for 5 volts (at least that's how it was announced). In practice, it turned out that it CAN be powered by 3.3 or 5 volt on Vcc pin, but the control pins should ALWAYS be at 3.3 volt levels. If you powered it with 3.3 volts and operated it with 5 volts, you may have burned out its driver. For me, the display worked normally with the Arduino Nano by feeding it with 5 volts and adding resistor dividers to the control pins to lower the levels from 5 volts to 3.3 volts. It is good to add what @sterretje advised you so that we have a better chance to help.

Sorry for my incomplete post. I solved. I made a mistake in connecting the Reset, DC and CS pins.
Thank you all

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