Nano with W5100 ethernet shield loses connection

Hello, I think this is the right section, but it seems everything has been reshuffled here.
Anyway, I made a gadget that uses a nano with a W5100 ethernet shield to act as a watchdog over my shop. I set it up as a server that I can access over my phone. Everything works fine except that after about a week of uptime, it loses it's web connection. I am no internet expert, so I don't know all the correct terms.

A bit of history: Originally it lost it's connection about once a day, but I added this to the main loop:


if(millis() - ethernetResetTimer > ETHERNET_RESET_TIME)
  ethernetResetTimer = millis();
  Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);

Now it stays up for about a week. Can anyone shed any light on why this is happening? Thank you!

I see this problem for all Arduino libraries and even for commercial IoT devices. The routers just forgot about them I guess.
For esp8266 WiFi library they investigated this and they come up with "gratuitous ARP request" solution.

I was wondering if it had more to do with the router than the arduino per se. Is there a solution that doesn't require rebooting the arduino?

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