Nano33 Datalogger NOt working: SD card failure

I bought two identical dataloggers for Nanoi33 ( that are supposed to be used both with Nano and with Nano33.
However, when I tried both of them with two different 4 Gb SD cards formatted as advised I've always got the message "SD card failure".
Since I don't think that both dataloggers and both SD cards are faulty I think that maybe I've made some mistake either in the physical arrangement or in the code ( that I copied from an example I found on this site
For what attains the circuit I've just plugged the Nano33 on top of the datalogger and I connected an I2C OLED (which works) and a DHT22 to D2 pin (which also works), while the datalogger is not working.
I'm enclosing a simplified version of the code without the DHT sensor

#include <SdFat.h>                            //
#include  <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <RTClib.h>                           // library from    

RTC_DS1307 rtc;                               // The real time clock object is "RTC"
#define DS1307_I2C_ADDRESS 0x68
SdFat SD;                                     // The SdFat object is "SD"
#define MOSIpin 11                            // For SD card
#define MISOpin 12                            // For SD card
const int chipSelect = 10;                    // CS pin for the SD card
char tmeStrng[ ] = "0000/00/00,00:00:00";     // a template for a data/time string

long utc;
unsigned long logSeconds = 5;                  // ****** Enter ****** the number of seconds between logging events
unsigned long logMillis = logSeconds * 1000;      
void setup() {  
  Serial.begin(9600);              // Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
  Wire.begin();                    // initialize the I2C interface
  rtc.begin();                     // initialize the RTC 
      // Uncomment the line below and load the sketch to the Nano to set the RTC time. Then the line must 
      // be commented out and the sketch loaded again or the time will be wrong.
 //rtc.adjust(DateTime((__DATE__), (__TIME__)));    //sets the RTC to the time the sketch was compiled.

  while (!Serial) {
    ;                              // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only
  Serial.print("Find SD card: ");          // initialize and display the status of the SD card:
  if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) {
    Serial.println("Card failed");
  Serial.println(" SD card OK");   
  Serial.print("Logging to microSD card every "); 
  Serial.println(" seconds.");  
  Serial.print("Which equals "); 
  Serial.println(" milliseconds."); 
                                           //print a header to the data file with column headings
  File dataFile ="datalog.txt", FILE_WRITE);
  if (dataFile) {                          // if the file is available, write to it:
  else {
    Serial.println("file error");          // if the file is not open, display an error:
    delay(2000);                           // Wait so the sensor can initialize 
}                                          // end of setup
void loop() 
    DateTime now =; 
    utc = (now.unixtime());  
    sprintf(tmeStrng, "%04d/%02d/%02d,%02d:%02d:%02d", now.year(), now.month(),, now.hour(), now.minute(), now.second()); // [added seconds]
    Serial.print("RTC utc Time: ");                               // Display results on the serial monitor:   
    Serial.print("RTC time: ");

                                                         // write the data to the SD card:                                                                 
    File dataFile ="datalog.txt", FILE_WRITE);         // if the file is available, write to it:
      dataFile.flush();                                        // wait for serial data to complete transmission
    delay(logMillis);                                          // Write data every logMillis/1000 seconds
}                                                              // end of the MAIN LOOP

Thanks for your help

Since I got no answer to my question, I'm going to rewrite it in a different way
Which datalogger can I use with Nano 33?
My need is to record data from temperature and humidity sensors every six hours and, besides storing them on a SD card, to transmit them to a remote PC through WiFi
Thx again for your help

Hi Bruno,

Some time ago I posted following wiring schema that worked for me while connecting sd card readers with Nano33 iot as well

I know it’s not a complete data logger solution since the time stamp must be got from Internet but with 33 iot and Wi-Fi this can be solved for some use cases.


Hi apagliari,
sorry for the long delay in my answering your useful post but I was out of town AND without a computer.
I read your interesting post but, since i'm a newbie, I'm going to sum up what I've understood:
a) I have to put aside the two dataloggers with RTC supposedly devised for Nano 33 that are NOT working ( at least in my hands)
2) I have to use a RTC ( for example a DS3231) AND a SD card breakout board I've to connect to Nano 33
3) the RTC will be connected to the SCL/SDA pins of Nano 33 (besides obviously VCC and GND)
4) the SD card board will be connected MISO to D12 , MOSI to D11 , SCK to 13 and CS to 10 ( are they correct ?)
5) then I have to use a library for RTC working in Nano 33 and a library for SD card working in Nano 33
I'd be very grateful if you could confirm that this approach can work or correct the mistakes of it.
Thx in advance

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