NanoRF and ESC to BLDC

Hi my goal is to use the controller to control two separate RF Nanos simultaneously, each in turn controlling their own separate ESC and BLDC. I managed to get it the control and remote to work with one board, but when I upload the same code to another board, nothing happens, the BLDC simply beeps at a high rate. I did research to find info and it stated that I needed to create new pipes for a second receiver but I'm lost. I followed this for the bones of the project

Initially that did not work, I read the the RF nano had the CE and CSN pins switched so I swapped that and it worked for the instructables as intended with the exception that the motor with the joystick in the middle position is spinning pretty fast instead of at a stop. Im not sure how to change this either, but I assume it has something to do with my ESC not being able to reverse until I reprogram it. I am waiting for the reprogramming card to arrive.

I made 3 changes to the transmitter code:

/* Transmitter code for the Skateboard Radio control with PWM output
  Module // Arduino UNO,NANO  
    GND    ->   GND
    Vcc    ->   3.3V
    CE     ->   D9
    CSN    ->   D10
    CLK    ->   D13
    MOSI   ->   D11
    MISO   ->   D12

Consider like share and subscribe :

#include <SPI.h>
#include <nRF24L01.h> //
#include <RF24.h>

const uint64_t my_radio_pipe = 0x12345ABC; 
// 1. ADDED A SECOND PIPE  **************************************************
const uint64_t my_radio_pipe2 = 0x12345ABD; 

// 2. SWAPPED (9, 10) TO (10, 9)  **************************************************
RF24 radio(10, 9);  //Set CE and CSN pins

struct Data_to_be_sent {
  byte ch1;
  byte ch2;

Data_to_be_sent sent_data;

void setup()

// 3. ADDED THE SECOND PIPE HERE  **************************************************

  //Reset each channel value
  sent_data.ch1 = 127;
  sent_data.ch2 = 1;


void loop()
  sent_data.ch1 = map( analogRead(A0), 0, 1024, 0, 255);
  sent_data.ch2 = digitalRead(2);

  radio.write(&sent_data, sizeof(Data_to_be_sent));

I also made 3 changes to the receiver code:

tr/* Receiver code for the Skateboard Radio control with PWM output
  Module // Arduino UNO,NANO 
    GND    ->   GND
    Vcc    ->   3.3V
    CE     ->   D9
    CSN    ->   D10
    CLK    ->   D13
    MOSI   ->   D11
    MISO   ->   D12

Consider like share and subscribe :

#include <SPI.h>
#include <nRF24L01.h>   //
#include <RF24.h>
#include <Servo.h>  
int dela;
int Mode;
const uint64_t pipeIn = 0x12345ABC;  
// 1. ADDED BELOW  **************************************************
const uint64_t pipeIn2 = 0x12345ABD;  
// 2. (9, 10) to (10, 9)  **************************************************
RF24 radio(10, 9);  //CSN and CE pins

struct Received_data {
  byte ch1;
  byte ch2;

Received_data received_data;

Servo channel_1;

int ch1_value = 0;
int ch2_value = 0;

void reset_the_Data() 
  received_data.ch1 = 128;      //Throttle (channel 1) to 0
  received_data.ch2 = 0;


void setup()

 // 3. ADDED.  **************************************************



unsigned long lastRecvTime = 0;

void receive_the_data()
  while ( radio.available() ) {, sizeof(Received_data));
  lastRecvTime = millis(); 

void loop()
  //Receive the radio data

  unsigned long now = millis();
  if ( now - lastRecvTime > 1000 ) {

  ch2_value =received_data.ch2;
    Mode = 0;
  //Creathe the PWM signals
  //Pro Mode
  if(Mode == 1)
  ch1_value = map(received_data.ch1,0,255,1100,2000);
  if(dela<ch1_value && dela < 2000)


  //Noob Mode
  ch1_value = map(received_data.ch1,0,255,1300,1820);

  if(dela<ch1_value && dela < 1570){
  if(dela<ch1_value && dela < 1685){

  if(dela<ch1_value && dela < 1850){
}//Loop end

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