Can someone explain to me in short terms how this network works?
From what I see it needs a SIM card, but not a "regular one". It sends data over a cellular network to... where?
Please some light here.
Thank you.
Can someone explain to me in short terms how this network works?
From what I see it needs a SIM card, but not a "regular one". It sends data over a cellular network to... where?
Please some light here.
Thank you.
The mobile "network" contains a lot of bands and protocols. Bands are limitied. NB-IOT needs just small bandwidth, so it needs not the same bandwidth assignement compared to a video play on a mobile. The idea is to offer the appropriate bandwidth/protocol for each client. NB-IOT is for IOT devices. Problem IMHO: It's not enabled on every 4G antenna in every country.
You may findmore information about availability here:
As well the iotcreators offer a free NB-IoT SIM to start with. Check it out.
Related to the technology itself NB-IoT has a small bandwidth and is as slow as an modem 20y ago. The latency is very high - one packet can take up to 20secs to arrive.
But NB-IoT is very good in power saving and has a better reachability (even under the ground it would be possible to connect to a cell tower). This is due to coverage enhancement feature which they implemented.
NB-IoT is not good for moving devices. There is no hand over between cells. A new cell will be searched if the contact to the old cell is lost.
The NB-IoT chipset is cheap and simple (1 Antenna only for Rx/Tx and is Half-Duplex only).
NB-IoT networks mostly do not support SMS as NB-IoT sends the data via the control plane (which is used for signalling and SMS in other RATs).
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