NC switch

Hey guys,

I have this NC switch (as part of my project) and I need it to toggle a port.

Now I have made the pin as an INPUT and written high it it to activate the pullup

But, when the switch/wire is connected from the pin to ground ( as its supposed to), which means
the pin is 0V, the program doesnt run.

When I remove the switch, the program runs.

Does this have something to do with the pin stuff not being defined before the pin is grounded, making an internal short in the Arduino?

Any way around this except get new NO switches or activate the switches as the Arduino starts up?


//28 is L, 34 is R, 18 is B
//pin 7 is ground for some reason
//pins 6 and 5 are connected to NC switch to ground, calibrate buttons 6=H, 5=L
//buttons 1 and 2 pins are 9 and 10, they connect to button switchs on joystick

long received=0;    //number value of received
long num=0;         //between number, multiplier by 10
long fin=0;         //final number

byte countnum=4;   //number of output digits, 5 digits max, value =4
int count=countnum;  //count for power of 10

byte btnflag,btncount=0;    //are we on button part of string
byte btn1p=9;      //button1 pin is 9
byte btn2p=10;     //button2 pin is 10

byte pinhi=6;      //input pin for calibration hi
byte pinlo=5;      //in pin for calib low

byte Ranalogp=11;  //PWM output
byte Lanalogp=10;

long maxvalr=500;    //calibration values
long maxvall=500;
long minvalr=0;
long minvall=0;
long ranger=maxvalr-minvalr;  //range of values
long rangel=maxvall-minvall;
void setup()         //useless for now
    Serial.begin(9600);  //baudrate-- MAKE SURE TO CHANGE WHEN DOING WIRELESS
    pinMode(pinhi,INPUT);      //NC button will be connected to ground
    pinMode(pinlo, INPUT);
    pinMode(Ranalogp, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(Lanalogp, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(pinhi, HIGH);       // turn on pullup resistors
    digitalWrite(pinlo, HIGH);       // turn on pullup resistors

void loop()
	if (Serial.available() > 0) {                   //if theres a serial in
		                                        // read the incoming byte:
                received = ((int);     //capture and convert to int, get real value

//button stuff
                if (received == 18)                      //set flag if B detected
              if(btnflag==1 && btncount==1)              //if b string to be read
                if(received==1)                          //if value for b1 is 1
                 digitalWrite(btn1p,LOW);                //if value for b1 is 0, set out to low
              if(btnflag==1 && btncount==2)
              btncount++;                                  //counts up to 3
                                                           //1 for B
              if(btncount==3)                              //1 for b1
              {btnflag=0;}                                 //2 for b2
//formulate into number             
              if (btnflag==0)
                btncount=0;                                //clear count               
                if(received!=28 && received!=34 && received!=18)        //if not either R or L
                         num = (pow(10, count)+0.1)*received;  //scale value
                         fin+=num;                       //put values together for 1 number

//gather an output

                if(received==34)                         //if it was R
                 Serial.print('L');                      //then print L because value was before
                if(digitalRead (pinhi) == HIGH)
                if(digitalRead (pinlo) == HIGH)
                 analogWrite (Lanalogp, fin);                
                 Serial.println(fin);                    //PWM out/scale here

                 fin=0;                                  //reset count and fin
                if(received==28)                          //if was L then print R b/c values before L
                if(digitalRead (pinhi) == HIGH)
                if(digitalRead (pinlo) == HIGH)

                 analogWrite (Ranalogp, fin);                


              }//end buttonflag
	}//end serial available

EDIT: sry, fixd a few mistakes
EDIT2: since I posted the program here's a rundown from my second post:

basically what the program does is decode a serial input string like:


Makes values and outputs it to PWM

I need to scale those values to 256.

Now, when uploading the program I remove the serial rx from the other arduino.
When I click serial port, it brings up the window and no output.
To get an output I must reset the arduino after taking out the shorts (in place of switches) to ground and then put them back for original function.

EDIT3: Final code posted

the program doesnt run

What program would that be then?

You do realize that you enable the internal 20K pullup resistor by setting it to INPUT and writing high, not setting it to output.

Now I have made the pin as an output and written high it it to activate the pullup


basically what the program does is decode a serial input string like:


Makes values and outputs it to PWM

I need to scale those values to 256.

Now, when uploading the program I remove the serial rx from the other arduino.
When I click serial port, it brings up the window and no output.
To get an output I must reset the arduino after taking out the shorts (in place of switches) to ground and then put them back for original function.

Your earlier question seems to have been answered, but you still haven't shown the sketch.

Please recheck the original post, I've edited

is wrong for a start. It must be either INPUT or OUTPUT
How about showing a schematic of how you have wired it up and you seem to be a bit hazey about that.


What is the pinMode of btn1p?

Why are you using "pow"?
You're using integers - what is wrong with simply multipying by 10?

I updated my original post, that is the complete program after tweaking.
The problem was, and I think still is that the output stays low, and there is no serial output.

I got through it by setting my pins 6 and 5 as low with 10k resistors
and toggling them by applying a direct 5v to the corresponding pin for calibration (to simulate a NC switch).

Schematic below on how I 'fixed' it.
I wanted to use the internal pullup resistors, this way works but you need 2 extra resistors.

pin 7 was a test pin I used earlier, I just left it in there but i'm not using it.

There is no need to set the output mode of PWM pins.

What is the pinMode of btn1p?

It is pretty unusual to keep modifying the original post - it is hard to spot differences.
Please repost changes

I wanted to use the internal pullup resistors, this way works but you need 2 extra resistors.

No you don't it will require no external resistors at all.

Just put the switch between the input and the ground and enable the internal pull up resistors. Then not pressed will read as a zero and pressed will read as a one.