need a DAC

hey everyone, I'm working on a project
i have Arduino Uno, and i need to transfer a voice between to Arduinos
the problem here is the Arduino Uno doesn't come with a built-in DAC
i searched and i found serval type

i wish if someone can help and show me
a good DAC I can use?


Can you explain more what you are trying to do, I can't understand any reason to send
any analog signal from one Arduino to another, it doesn't make any sense to me.

Can you explain more what you are trying to do, I can't understand any reason to send
any analog signal from one Arduino to another, it doesn't make any sense to me.

in my project, i have 2 Arduinos
there's a part in this project where one of the Arduino will send a .wav file to the other Arduino
the other Arduino must play the .wav file,
so the first one will send it as digital value so I need in the other side to use a DAC to convert it again into sound, i need a good DAC for my project to do this task

there's a part in this project where one of the Arduino will send a .wav file to the other Arduino

That is the bit we cannot understand why. The Arduino ( what sort of Arduino? ) has a limited amount of memory so you can’t store very long sections of the file.

So you need a fast transfer method between the two systems?

What length of file are you wanting to transfer and what sample rate and sample size do you want / need?

That is the bit we cannot understand why. The Arduino ( what sort of Arduino? ) has a limited amount of memory so you can’t store very long sections of the file.

So you need a fast transfer method between the two systems?

What length of file are you wanting to transfer and what sample rate and sample size do you want / need?

i have Arduino Uno, i don't intend to store big files, i want to send it as a stream.

i found ARDUINO MKR WIFI 1010 and it's MKR ETH SHIELD with built-in DAC you think that can solve my problem?

You seem to be neglecting the possibility of class D amplification.

have Arduino Uno, i don't intend to store big files, i want to send it as a stream.

i found ARDUINO MKR WIFI 1010 and it's MKR ETH SHIELD with built-in DAC you think that can solve my problem?

No Wi-Fi is not real time. That is why there is a VOIP protocol ( Voice over IP ) and that requires large buffers.

No Wi-Fi is not real time. That is why there is a VOIP protocol ( Voice over IP ) and that requires large buffers.

i know but i can use the Ethernet shield

what i really want to do is to transfer recorded voice form one Arduino to another as streaming.
can you give me guidelines?

i know but i can use the Ethernet shield

Same problem it is in the protocol not the carrier.

can you give me guidelines?

I thought I just had?

I thought I just had?

sorry i didn't get you
i mean what's the Arduino type that would be the most suitable one to use, library etc...

note: the voice must be sent between two Arduinos through an Ethernet

note: the voice must be sent between two Arduinos through an Ethernet

As far as I know that is not possible with any Arduino. If it is then some one is welcome to correct me.

How about this then?

What is the distance between the two controllers?

Thanks.. Tom.. :slight_smile:

What is the distance between the two controllers?

Thanks.. Tom.. :slight_smile:

hey, for now, it's in the same LAN, not much distance (in the same room)

How about this then?
Arduino walkie talkie with nRF24L01 – Cassiopeia Ltd

this one similar but can i do it using an Ethernet Shield?

No, Ethernet imposes a protocol that is not conducive to simple streaming. Streaming is extremely complex and requires a lot of memory.