hey everyone, I'm working on a project
i have Arduino Uno, and i need to transfer a voice between to Arduinos
the problem here is the Arduino Uno doesn't come with a built-in DAC
i searched and i found serval type
i wish if someone can help and show me
a good DAC I can use?
Can you explain more what you are trying to do, I can't understand any reason to send
any analog signal from one Arduino to another, it doesn't make any sense to me.
Can you explain more what you are trying to do, I can't understand any reason to send
any analog signal from one Arduino to another, it doesn't make any sense to me.
in my project, i have 2 Arduinos
there's a part in this project where one of the Arduino will send a .wav file to the other Arduino
the other Arduino must play the .wav file,
so the first one will send it as digital value so I need in the other side to use a DAC to convert it again into sound, i need a good DAC for my project to do this task
there's a part in this project where one of the Arduino will send a .wav file to the other Arduino
That is the bit we cannot understand why. The Arduino ( what sort of Arduino? ) has a limited amount of memory so you can’t store very long sections of the file.
So you need a fast transfer method between the two systems?
What length of file are you wanting to transfer and what sample rate and sample size do you want / need?
That is the bit we cannot understand why. The Arduino ( what sort of Arduino? ) has a limited amount of memory so you can’t store very long sections of the file.
So you need a fast transfer method between the two systems?
What length of file are you wanting to transfer and what sample rate and sample size do you want / need?
i have Arduino Uno, i don't intend to store big files, i want to send it as a stream.
i found ARDUINO MKR WIFI 1010 and it's MKR ETH SHIELD with built-in DAC you think that can solve my problem?