Need a decent pro - not a complicated project (but too much for me)

Dear arduinoheads.

I just don't have the time to spend on this project. I'm a designer but not a code guy.
I am simply looking to create a prototype for a basic proof of concept.
I'll fire someone a few bucks happily via paypal.

Using an arduino uno, an elechouse wav shield (version 3) and an ultrasonic sensor, I want specific distances to trigger specific sounds.

IE - when the sensor is one meter from a wall it will say "one meter".
When 2 meters it will say "two meters" etc.

The basis of the project is far more complicated, using many sounds and distances, but I'm not beyond selecting my own audio files, changing distance values etc (if I have the code).

I actually got the ultrasonic sensor working just fine, but the damn Wave shield I bought isn't working at all.. can anyone help?


Use something else.
These MP3 modules, for example. You send them a file number via serial and they play it.

but the damn Wave shield I bought isn't working at all.

Which wave shield is it? Was any assembly required? What code are you using? Where is the output from the shield supposed to go?

Paul, sorry for tardy reply. I got the elechouse v3 wave shield. I can't even get their sample code to run. I'm outputting just to headphones. I put some simple wav files on the SD card.

Like I said.. I'm not a coder, I just need a start and I can figure it out.

I can't even get their sample code to run. I'm outputting just to headphones. I put some simple wav files on the SD card.

Post the code that you tried. Post a list of the files on the SD card.

Hi Mick

Did you ever get this to work? I'm trying a very similar thing, and find it hugely frustrating that I can't seem to find a way to control when the mp3s on my shield are playing.


and find it hugely frustrating that I can't seem to find a way to control when the mp3s on my shield are playing.

This statement implies that you can some mp3 file to play. It also implies that it does not start when you expect or that it doesn't end when you expect. I'm sure that those problems can be fixed (by adjusting your expectations, if nothing else 8)). But, you need to post the code AND describe exactly what it does and how that differs from what you expect.

Is it just the mp3 part giving you problems? Have you managed to get an LED on when you are 1m, 2m away from the wall?

You guys realize the OP posted this a year ago, right?

You guys realize the OP posted this a year ago, right?

Yes, but reply #5 asked a new question.