Need a forum dedicated to GPS

Need a forum dedicated to GPS.

GPS is not just another sensor. It's not really a sensor at all. It is a radio receiver.


Rather than a forum I think that you mean a forum section

GPS problems are usually discussed in the Programming section

Have you got a problem with GPS ?

There are already too many Forum sections. Many (most?) newbies cannot figure out where to post their questions. And many project questions span more than one area.


There are already too many Forum sections. Many (most?) newbies cannot figure out where to post their questions. And many project questions span more than one area.



GPS issues are discussed in five separate sections:

. Programming
. Projects
. Sensors
. Networking (whose sub title includes the term GPS)
. General Electronics (-;

So there is no central section for this interesting and popular topic; discussions are dispersed.

What are the criteria for determining that a new section is desirable?


You forgot General Electronics.

Rather than a dedicated GPS section a much better option IMHO would be the ability to add tags to Posts so that you could, for example, search for all Threads tagged as "GPS". I believe that is an option in the Discourse Forum software that is being considered as a replacement for the present Arduino Forum system.

However the creation of new tags needs to be under central control to avoid things like "Gps" and "GPS" causing fragmentation.



With a tagging scheme, would you have to explicitly do a search to find any new threads on GPS? That wouldn't be ideal.

If all discussions with the GPS tag were automatically organised and presented to the reader as a collection then that would be fine. I suppose that's just another way of defining a section called "GPS".


GPS for all intents and purposes comes under communications.

I have to agree with others here in that there are more than enough sections already and that some should probably be archived as they are under utilised and better served in other areas.

Lots of people just tend to post non related Q. in the most random places anyway.
Even more wont read the HOW TO that explains there are sections to cover thier needs.

The current search is not specific enough to split sections out unless you use REGEX expressions which most dont even know about or even care to use.

If all discussions with the GPS tag were automatically organised and presented to the reader as a collection then that would be fine.

I think it can work like that, but I don't know. Have a look at how things are done on StackOverflow. I presume Discourse is similar as one of its originators also originated StackOverflow.


Rather than a dedicated GPS section a much better option IMHO would be the ability to add tags to Posts so that you could, for example, search for all Threads tagged as "GPS".







? ? ?


meaning: I heartily agree with your post about tags.

meaning: I heartily agree with your post about tags.

Thank you.

I had thought that you were trying to post links that had not worked.
