need a motor driver selection advice ?

hi chaps I need a motor driver that can control 5 motors with speed and direction control any suggestions ?

Obviously we can't suggest any driver.

Try again. Think about what information you have to provide.

to start with information requirements:

  • What motor(s) (stepper, dc, servo ..)?
  • if stepper: unipolar, bipolar ...
  • motor power consumption ...

ok im looking at something that will drive 6 DC 3-6V motors

thee ones to be more exact

[here](http://ok im looking at something that will drive 6 DC 3-6V motors thee ones to be more exact

That link is garbled for me, I think you mean:

Its 200mA loaded or so, stall current unknown (but fairly small motor, so probably 1A or so).

Maybe 3 of these DRV8833 breakouts? Pololu - DRV8833 Dual Motor Driver Carrier