Need a way to measure temperature outside...

Hey guys,
Just a quick question.
I'm looking for a way to monitor, log and display the outside temperature. (And also room temp, but that's not the problem)
I tried running wires between the window, but even the smallest gauge will prevent the window from closing properly. Or the wires get damaged.
Any ideas? Maybe I could interface those cheap outdoor weatherstation transmitters with the Arduino?

Thanks in advance!

Also, I'm using the LM335. Problem is, the temperature isn't very steady, it goes up and down a couple of degrees, it doesn't stay on one value. It just jumps up and down.
I'm using a 16x2 LCD display, and serial.
Also, the temperature is off, depending whether I'm using a USB charger, or my laptop, or my laptop and a external 2.5" hard disk.

Wifi and x-bee are expensive ways of doing it, TerryKing and Crossroads have recently mentioned much cheaper radio hardware that would solve it, although you'd still need a second arduino. A surplus weather station might be the most economic way of doing it.

Hmmm, any idea on how to interface the weatherstation?

Last Month EmilyJane posted a number of messages about her weatherstation, search for her posts ...

Many weatherstations use 433Mhz signals, sometimes coded sometimes not.... (no experience yet

Drill a small hole through the window frame.

It's a window.

I wound up building a wired solution 1-Wire DS18B20 devices and drilling holes. You can read about it here:

Easy Arduino 1-Wire Sensor Network

But before that I was working a wireless solution, that just proved too difficult from scratch. Since then the Weather Station Data Logger group created the Weather shield that simplifies connecting Oregon Scientific wireless sensors to their open source weather software. Check it out at:

Weather Station Data Logger - WSDL Weather Shield for Arduino:


i use 3 thin wires from a bunched conductor and a LM35 for my fridge...
i embedded the thin wires in silicone, so that the door seal would close firmly around it...

LM35s have been around a LONG time... good devices, but subject to the weakness in their design: They are analog devices.

The Dallas 1-Wire system takes a little bit of work to get to grips with... although there are many ways to use the work of others... but they are marvelous in that they send their "answers" back to the Arduino via a digital signal.

It's very like the difference between listening to "old fashioned" vinyl LPs vs CDs.

More on 1-Wire at...

(From there, you can get to Arduino- specific pages)