Need Advice Please

I haven't done any work on Arduino in years and only did very little so I have forgotten almost everything. I am looking at making a new game controller which is very simple, it will feature 6 buttons and a vibration sensor, what I want to know is :
do I need to buy resistors? If so which ones and how many?
Also where is the best place to find out how to connect it all to my breadboard? I get confused and don't know where to put which wires.
Where is the best place to learn how to use the IDE?
I know I asked a lot and it is probably very basic but just very lost and would like some help, any advice will do :slight_smile:
Many Thanks

If you are just using the buttons as simple switches then there is no need to buy resistors. Just use pinMode(pin. INPUT_PULLUP) to make use of the internal pullup resistors. Connect the switch between a pin an GND. When the switch is pressed the pin will read LOW.


Also where is the best place to find out how to connect it all to my breadboard? I get confused and don't know where to put which wires.
Where is the best place to learn how to use the IDE?

The IDE has built in tutorials. Start with those. Reading a button is somewhere in the first handful of exercises. And you'll learn the IDE as you go along.