The board is powered with a 12 power supply from wall power and into the power jack on the board.
Did the verify and upload, looks good as best I can tell.
Press the Reset button, wait 30 seconds, then use Chrome to enter IP address
This computer is hardwired to a D-Link switch and that is hard wired into the Arduino Ethernet shield. I am reasonably sure the Ethernet shield is an Arduino product. Looking at the Ethernet Jack on the shield the left side LED is green on always and the right side flashes Orange occasionally.
The response is the site can’t be reached.
I do not see any LED on the board blink and was unable to find anything that lists the LEDs on the DUE so I could pick one and blink it.
Up at the top is this section:
void setup() {
// You can use Ethernet.init(pin) to configure the CS pin
//Ethernet.init(10); // Most Arduino shields
Ethernet.init(5); // MKR ETH shield
//Ethernet.init(0); // Teensy 2.0
//Ethernet.init(20); // Teensy++ 2.0
//Ethernet.init(15); // ESP8266 with Adafruit Featherwing Ethernet
//Ethernet.init(33); // ESP32 with Adafruit Featherwing Ethernet
Uncommented each one, one at a time, then do the verify, upload, reset, and chrome address. Same result each time.
I selected the attachment option and the code that is being used.
Where should I look for my error?
Something just got much worse. I selected another USB cable so as to have one for each port. Then initiated a verify. The IDE showed numerous errors. That does not make sense. Tried several USB cables. Making this short, I went back to the web site, captured the source code again, verified, and it will not upload. Went back to the first cable, same problem. The error is:
No device found on COM3
An error occurred while uploading the sketch
I will be messing with that for a bit.
Meantime, how do I use the regular com port. Is it just switch from the programming port to the other port? Should there be one cable for each plugged into the USB hub?
When I made the first post, and when doing the verify, the IDE scrolled many lines of info, the scrolled a bunch more while uploading. Now the verify produces just one line of white text on a black background.
My fumble fingers probably typed in some obscure keystroke combination to do this. Do I need to do something to get back to where I was.
After some messing around, now that DUE board will not upload. A second board does upload now.
I will be trying to use that second port but do not yet have a clue as to how to do that.
Now there is a good level of confidence that the first DUE has failed. Back to the good board.
Connected a second USB cable to the serial port and the USB hub. Went to tools and clicked something there and was rewarded with a new window. It now contains
.... Rats. I highlighted the text in there and used ctl-C to copy. Whomever created this has disabled the ability to copy paste from that. Grrrr.
Regardless, it shows the IP address and states: Ethernet cable is not connected.
Hmmm, yes it is. The connect LED on the left side is on and the LED on the other side flashes occasionally.
Now I am guessing that the shield is bad.
was unable to find anything that lists the LEDs on the DUE so I could pick one and blink it.
The LED marked "L" on the Due is connected to pin 13. Best practices is to use the LED_BUILTIN macro to refer to that pin in your code as this will cause the code to be portable to other Arduino boards that have the built in LED connected to a pin other than 13.
Something just got much worse. I selected another USB cable so as to have one for each port. Then initiated a verify. The IDE showed numerous errors. That does not make sense. Tried several USB cables. Making this short, I went back to the web site, captured the source code again, verified, and it will not upload. Went back to the first cable, same problem. The error is:
I will be messing with that for a bit.
Meantime, how do I use the regular com port. Is it just switch from the programming port to the other port? Should there be one cable for each plugged into the USB hub?
You don't need to have both ports connected. Just connect a USB cable from the port you want to use to your computer. It's best to use the Programming Port (the one nearest to the barrel jack) for uploading sketches and communicating with Serial Monitor. The Native USB Port is for use when you want your Due to emulate a keyboard or mouse. If you want to use the Programming Port then select Tools > Board > Arduino Due (Programming Port). If you want to use the Native USB Port then select Tools > Board > Arduino Due (Native USB Port). Note that the COM port will change depending on which port you have connected to your computer so you need to select the correct port from the Tools > Port menu.
When I made the first post, and when doing the verify, the IDE scrolled many lines of info, the scrolled a bunch more while uploading. Now the verify produces just one line of white text on a black background.
My fumble fingers probably typed in some obscure keystroke combination to do this. Do I need to do something to get back to where I was.
Verbose output is controlled by File > Preferences > Show verbose output. There is no keyboard shortcut to change that option.
Went to tools and clicked something there and was rewarded with a new window. It now contains
.... Rats. I highlighted the text in there and used ctl-C to copy. Whomever created this has disabled the ability to copy paste from that. Grrrr.
Regardless, it shows the IP address and states: Ethernet cable is not connected.
Hmmm, yes it is. The connect LED on the left side is on and the LED on the other side flashes occasionally.
Now I am guessing that the shield is bad.
You should keep more careful track of what you're doing. I'm guessing you mean Tools > Serial Monitor. If so, you should definitely be able to copy/paste the text from Serial Monitor.
Using the serial port was quite helpful. I had a spare Arduino so swapped and fixed one problem. There is no spare ethernet board. I need two boards and ethernet shields for my project plus one each for testing. I now have some boards on order via Digikey and will resume in a few days when they have arrived.
Went back to the serial port and can copy its results:
15:02:11.169 -> Ethernet WebServer Example
15:02:11.751 -> Ethernet cable is not connected.
15:02:11.785 -> server is at
I don't know why it would not copy earlier. As noted the cable is definitely plugged in. Its a four foot cable. As noted the connect LED by the RJ45 jack is always on and the other flashes occasionally. Don't know of any additional options so ordered new boards.
Thanks for the options on the show verbose. I definitely did not change those options on purpose, but they were both disabled, now enabled again.