Need clarification on I2C port Expansion from Arduino

I connected my Arduino UNO with the PCF-8575 16 BIT I2C IO Expander(NXP). Also given 5V supply to PCF-8575.

I Have Written the below program to enable the Pin-7 as OUTPUT and expecting 5V output at Pin-7. However, I am getting the Pin-7 voltage between 0.25 and 1.25V INSTEAD of 5V.

I have also attached the connection diagram. Also, we are using PCF-8575 library.

Am I missing anything?

#include "PCF8575.h"
#include "Arduino.h"

// Set i2c address
PCF8575 pcf8575(0x20);

void setup() {



void loop() {

You need a common GND between the Arduino and the pcf8575.

@red_car - We tried this approach. Still the same result. (Now pin-7 output measures 0V)

Which PCF8575 library are you using?

How are you measuring that? You are only setting it high for 100 ms at a time. Maybe you should change the delay (to say 5000) so you can actually measure it.

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Please find the snapshot of the PCF 8575 library that we are using. Even after changing to 5000 delay I am getting the same results.

How are you measuring the voltage?

Did you try increasing the delay?

Well you need a common ground... so keep trying it.

Also - does the PCF8575 have pull-up resistors?

The data sheet is quite cryptic but external pullup resistors seem to be required.

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